MoonSwap Staking Competition is Coming!

Competition duration: Dec. 2, 2020 to Dec. 5, 2020

Competition rules:
Activity 1: Are you the Lucky Star of Staking?
During the competition period, first 300 staking users who meet the following conditions will get 5 cMOON rewards:

  1. has a minimum staking amount of 50 cMOON
  2. staking transaction hash ending with M or C will get 5 cMOON.

Activity 2: Staking Leaderboard
During the competition period, Top 5 users with the most staking volumes above 3000 cMOON and staking for at least seven days, will be eligible to get a portion of the 500 cMOON daily reward pool, totaling 1500 cMOON throughout the competition period. The following is the details reward distribution:

Come and stake:

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Are you going to do it again?